Updating Gandi.net DNS and using a Reverse Proxy with a Synology NAS

In this article, you’ll find everything you need to update Gandi.net DNS from a Synology NAS, as well as to set up a reverse proxy for your services on your local network.



We would like to use a personal domain name from Gandi.net named testing.com to access the available services behind a personal internet access (Livebox router) according to the sub-domains defined.

We have a local network containing the following equipment:

  • Livebox router with local address (Public address :
  • Synology NAS with local address
  • Local server n°1 to host the VPN service with local address
  • Local server n°2 to host the GAME service with local address
  • Local server n°3 to host the TODO service with local address

We have an active testing.com domain name at Gandi.net.

Obj - Step n°0

Schema :

Obj - Step n°1


The Livebox router can only manage IPv4, the public IP address is not fixed and we don’t know when it changes, so we need to be able to check our public IP address regularly to update Gandi.net’s DNS when necessary.


  • When a user wants to access the url https://vpn.testing.com then he must be automatically redirected to local server n°1.
  • When a user wants to access the url http://game.testing.com then he must be automatically redirected to local server n°2.
  • When a user wants to access the url http://todo.testing.com then he must be automatically redirected to local server n°3.
  • When a user wants to access the url https://share.testing.com then he should be automatically redirected to the Synology NAS.

Schema : Obj - Step n°2

List of steps

To set up the necessary elements, we will do the following steps:

  1. Create an access token to the Gandi.net API
  2. Configure the Livebox router to redirect incoming internet traffic to the Synology NAS.
  3. Create and update Gandi.net DNS with the Public IP address associated with the Livebox router.
  4. Set up a reverse proxy on the Synology NAS to access the servers.

Create an access token to the Gandi.net API

The access token will enable us to use the API provided by Gandi.net to automate the necessary modifications to DNS records when changing public IP addresses.

How to create an access token :

  1. Log in to your administration account at Gandi.net
  2. Click on the Organizations menu

Token - Step n°1

  1. Click on the organization of your choice
  2. Click on the Sharing tab

Token - Step n°2

  1. In the Personal Access Token (PAT) part, click on the Create a token button
  2. Fill in the necessary data
    1. Enter token name (e.g. testing_dns_pat)
    2. Select the token validity period between 7 days and 1 year (e.g. 7 days)
    3. Check the Restrict to selected products box and select the desired domain (ex: testing.com)
    4. Check the See and renew domain names box
    5. Check box Manage domain technical configurations
    6. Click on the Create button

Token - Step n°3

  1. Copy the access token you’ve created to a secure location, as it will no longer be accessible

Token - Step n°4

Setting up the router

We’re going to set up a redirection of incoming Internet traffic to the Synology NAS by default, so that the Synology NAS can act as a reverse proxy to redirect users to the local server defined according to the incoming address used.

How to configure your Internet box :

  1. Log in to the livebox administration account
  2. Go to Advanced Parameters menu
  3. Click on Network option

Box - Step n°1

  1. Click on the NAT / PAT tab
  2. Add a rule to redirect incoming HTTP traffic to the Synology NAS and click Create.
    1. Application/Service : Reverse Proxy HTTP
    2. Internal Port : 80
    3. External Port : 80
    4. Protocol : TCP
    5. Equipment :
    6. External IP : All
  3. Add a rule to redirect incoming HTTPS traffic to the Synology NAS and click Create.
    1. Application/Service : Reverse Proxy HTTPS
    2. Internal Port : 443
    3. External Port : 443
    4. Protocol : TCP
    5. Equipment :
    6. External IP : All

Box - Step n°2

Creating and updating Gandi.net DNS

Warning: it may take several hours for a DNS change to take effect, depending on its configuration.

To create and update Gandi.net’s DNS information, we’re going to use Gandi.net’s public API and create a script that will be run directly on the Synology NAS.

Create a directory on the NAS to store the script to be executed

  1. Go to the File Station application
  2. Navigate to the Share directory
  3. Create a Script sub-directory

Note : The complete address of the directory will be volume1/Share/Script

Create a script named Gandi_Update_DNS.sh

The Gandi_Update_DNS.sh script must be created in the volume1/Share/Script directory on the Synology NAS.

We define the important parameters of the script at the beginning :

  • The Gandi API access token will be in the variable: TOKEN_GANDI.
  • The domain name will be in the variable: DOMAIN_GANDI.
  • The list of sub-domains to be updated will be in the variable: RECORDS_GANDI.

Based on this information, we can create the following script :

 3# Configure data
 6RECORDS_GANDI="share vpn game todo" #subdomain listing
10RECORD_GANDI=$(echo $RECORDS_GANDI | cut -d" " -f1)
12# 1. Get Public IP
13CURRENTIP_GANDI=$(curl -s -4 ifconfig.co/ip)
14IPLENGTH_GANDI=$(echo -n ${CURRENTIP_GANDI} | wc -m)
16# Check that ifconfig.io give me an IP
17if [ -z "${CURRENTIP_GANDI}" ]
19  echo "\n$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") - Error - CURRENTIP_GANDI is empty"
20  exit 1
23if [ ${IPLENGTH_GANDI} -gt 16 ] || [ ${IPLENGTH_GANDI} -lt 7 ]
25  echo "\n$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") - Error - CURRENTIP_GANDI issue : [${CURRENTIP_GANDI}]"
26  exit 1
30# 2. Get gandi's NS for my domain
31NS_GANDI=$(curl -X GET "https://api.gandi.net/v5/livedns/domains/${DOMAIN_GANDI}/nameservers" -H "authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN_GANDI}" | jq '.[0]' | sed 's/"//g')
33# 3. Get the last IP recorded
34LASTREGISTEREDIP_GANDI=$(/var/packages/DNSServer/target/bin/dig +short ${RECORD_GANDI}.${DOMAIN_GANDI} @${NS_GANDI})
39  echo "\n$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") - Error - LASTREGISTEREDIP_GANDI is empty"
40  exit 1
45  echo "\n$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") - Error - LASTREGISTEREDIP_GANDI issue : [${LASTREGISTEREDIP_GANDI}]"
46  exit 1
50# 4. Update if needed
53    for SUB_GANDI in $RECORDS_GANDI; do # Loop on all domaine to use the same IP Address
54      echo "\n$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") - Info - DNS Record for [$SUB_GANDI] sent"
55      curl -X PUT https://api.gandi.net/v5/livedns/domains/${DOMAIN_GANDI}/records/${SUB_GANDI}/${RECORD_TYPE_GANDI} \
56              -H "authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN_GANDI}" \
57              -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
58              -d "{\"rrset_values\": [\"${CURRENTIP_GANDI}\"], \"rrset_ttl\": "${RECORD_TTL_GANDI}"}"
59    done
60    echo "\n$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") - Info - DNS Record has changed !!!!"
61    exit 2
64exit 0

The major steps are as follows :

  1. curl -s -4 ifconfig.co/ip (result : : Get our current public IP address
  2. curl -X GET "https://api.gandi.net/v5/livedns/domains/${DOMAIN_GANDI}/nameservers" -H "authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN_GANDI}" | jq '.[0]' | sed 's/"//g' : Retrieving the main Gandi.net nameserver for our testing.com domain
  3. /var/packages/DNSServer/target/bin/dig +short ${RECORD_GANDI}.${DOMAIN_GANDI} @${NS_GANDI} : Retrieving the public IP address registered in the DNS of Gandi.net for the domain testing.com
  4. If the current public IP address is different from the public IP address registered in Gandi.net’s DNS, then the information is updated for each sub-domain entered

Automate execution of Gandi_Update_DNS.sh script

To automatically run a script on the Synology NAS, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Main menu (top left on the main screen)
  2. Click on the Control Panel application
  3. Click on the Task Scheduler menu
  4. Click on the Create button and select the Scheduled Task > User-defined script option
    1. Fill in the information on the General tab and check the Enabled box
    2. Fill in the information on the Schedule tab, with the frequency and time of script execution
    3. Fill in the Task Settings tab
      1. Check box Send run details by email
      2. Check box Send run details only when the scrip terminates abnormally
      3. Enter your e-mail address to receive information in the event of script error
      4. Enter the command to be executed in User-defined script. The command is bash <script path>/Gandi_Update_DNS.sh
    4. Click on the OK button
  5. Check that the box is ticked for the added script in the summary screen

CRON - Step n°1

Result of the Gandi_Update_DNS.sh script execution

Execution - Step n°1

Setting up reverse proxy on Synology NAS

Connect to the Synology NAS and follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Main menu (top left of the main screen)
  2. Click on the Control Panel application
  3. Click on the Login Portal menu
  4. Click on the Advanced tab
  5. Click on the Reverse Proxy button

Proxy - Step n°1

  1. Click on the Create button
  2. Fill in the following information to redirect the address vpn.testing.com to server n°1 ( and click on the Save button.
    1. Reverse Proxy Name : VPN (HTTPS)
    2. Source
      1. Protocol : HTTPS
      2. Hostname: vpn.testing.com
      3. Port : 443
    3. Destination :
      1. Protocol : HTTPS
      2. Hostname :
      3. Port : 443

Proxy - Step n°2

  1. Repeat the operation to redirect the game.testing.com address to local server n°2 (
    1. Reverse Proxy Name : GAME (HTTP)
    2. Source
      1. Protocol : HTTP
      2. Hostname: game.testing.com
      3. Port : 80
    3. Destination :
      1. Protocol : HTTP
      2. Hostname :
      3. Port : 80
  2. Repeat the operation to redirect the todo.testing.com address to local server n°3 (
    1. Reverse Proxy Name : TODO (HTTP)
    2. Source
      1. Protocol : HTTP
      2. Hostname: todo.testing.com
      3. Port : 80
    3. Destination :
      1. Protocol : HTTP
      2. Hostname :
      3. Port : 80

Result of reverse proxy configuration :

Proxy - Step n°3